FDS Contract C Section 73

(FDS Contract C Section 73)

First Development Site Contract C Section 73

The Section 73 application for the First Development site Contract C requests approval for changes to the existing planning permission to deliver the following:

  • Changes to the energy strategy to include heating and hot water provided by Air Source Heat Pumps
  • 60 additional new homes
  • More new social rented homes
  • Redistribution of bed size mix across the tenures: increased number of smaller private sale homes, increased number of larger social rent homes
  • Changes to height of the proposed buildings:
  • Tall building to Albany Road
    • increased width to accommodate 5 flats per floor
    • additional 3 storeys, from 20 to 23 storeys
  • Houses along Westmoreland Street replaced with 2-storey maisonettes with flats over
  • Flat block on Portland Street – one additional storey


The application was submitted with several supporting documents. Many of these will outline the changes to the existing planning permission for the First Development Site the impact of the changes. An explanation of the key planning documents is set out below.

Planning statement
This document provides background to the regeneration scheme and an explanation of the application. It also assesses the proposals against the relevant planning policy including the Aylesbury Area Action Plan.

Design and access statement
The design and access statement describes the vision and evolution of the design for the development. It explains the process for developing the designs and provides a visual summary of the proposals.

Environmental statement
This document provides an update to the assessment of the environmental impact of the First Development Site proposals. This also includes a non-technical summary of the Environmental Statement.

We have included links to some of the key planning documents on this page, but the full submission can be found on the Southwark council website here

Please note, some of these planning documents are very large and may take a while to download.


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